U.S. Frozen drink company partners with 7Sense

Published: 11.06.2024

U.S. frozen drinks ‘slushie’ company partners with Norwegian developers, 7Sense, to develop a low-cost, retrofittable IoT board based on the nRF9160 SiP cellular IoT module.

Oslo, April 9, 2019. Press Release from Nordic Semiconductor

Nordic Semiconductor today announces that ‘slushie’-reinvigorating U.S. frozen drinks company Freezing Point (parent company to slushie consumer brand “Frazil”) is partnering with Norwegian engineering developers, 7Sense, in the development of a low-cost, retrofittable cellular NB-IoT circuit board. The circuit board will allow all of Frazil’s in-store slushie dispensed frozen beverage machines to be continuously monitored to maintain optimal in-store performance and operational margins.

What’s more, Frazil has found that this monitoring will provide a ‘gold mine’ of data for its retail customers whereby if an in-store slushie machine isn’t being maintained (e.g. filters cleaned regularly) and operated optimally (machine on, working, and full - to make it attractive to customers), it invariably indicates that the rest of a store—and the mindset of its local in-store management and staff—is falling behind in other operational excellence standards as well.